Friday, August 13, 2010

Happy Due Date!

So today is officially our due date - full term, 40 week baby!! Here are the last two pictures of my pregnant belly, which I will actually miss! It is bitter sweet because being pregnant is such an amazing experience, but I know that meeting the little one and holding him for the first time will be even more amazing!! So here are the last of the belly pictures from this pregnancy! Well, maybe we will get one more picture on the way to the hospital (if we remember and I am up for it, haha)!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

STILL no baby..

We had our 40 week doctor's appointment today! I can't believe that tomorrow is our official due date and yet there are still NO signs of this little guy coming anytime soon! So in the mean time I must sit back, relax (or at least try), and wait for my body and him to decide that they are "ready". Sounds like a great plan, huh?? Easier said that done though. Still working and this heat, mostly still working, are finally starting to get to me! I think that I am just overly excited, anxious, nervous, you name it. But they are all good feelings and we sooo look forward to finally meeting the little one, holding him, and seeing what he looks like!

So here is the plan. The doctor's wanted to induce me on Sunday, yes this Sunday, but as we talked through it, the doctor's agreed to wait. So I go for a BioPhysical Profile ultrasound on Tuesday (17th) and have my regular doctor's appointment on Wednesday (18th). Then they want to induce me on Thursday night (19th), and hopefully delivery on Friday (20th). I am a little nervous about being induced (as most of you know by now), so hopefully my body and the baby decide to make things happen within the next week. Unfortunately, I really can't control it, so we just have to wait and see what happens.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

No Baby Yet

So we had another check up today. We are making some slow progress, but no baby yet!! With a little over one week till our due date, we are all getting very excited and anxious! We just can't wait to finally meet him and hold him in our arms! The doctor did say that they think he is going to be a long baby. Maybe tall like his father??!! We will see soon enough!! Too bad with all this technology now the doctors are not able to more accurately predict the exact day that the baby will arrive. That would be nice, huh?! So for now we just continue to wait patiently for the little guy to accept his eviction notice and make his first official appearance! :)

Here is a picture from last weekend / 38 weeks....and still counting.