So here we are again...another month has past and I have no idea where the time is going!! The months are passing by way too quickly as I find myself holding onto and cherishing each and every moment with our not so "little" baby boy! Last night he woke up for his nightly feeding around 3am and I found myself not wanting to put him back down after he fell asleep in my arms while we were rocking. I kept thinking pretty soon he won't wake up at all to feed at night, or pretty soon he won't want me to rock him to sleep. There is nothing more precious and special than holding and rocking your sleeping child...I love those moments we share together (even if he is sleeping, haha)!
Lots of changes have occurred this month. The biggest change has been me starting back to work, ugh! However, I am very blessed that my boss has been so understanding and is letting me work from home part-time for now. Dan and I were just not ready to send Brayden to daycare, so we are so grateful that I am able to stay home with him everyday. The first week back was very tough and an emotional roller coaster as I figured out how I was going to balance it all, but each week gets a little better. I have found that I can get the most work done if I stay up after Brayden's early morning feeding, which usually falls somewhere between 3am and 5am. It is pretty tough and I struggle some days, but we are making it work. Brayden has also started taking some longer naps (on occasion), instead of his 30 to 40 minute catnaps which he is famous for, so that is helping as well.
Changes with Brayden....I believe that he is probably pushing close to 15 lbs now and has definitely gotten a lot longer as I just packed up his 3 month pants and onesies yesterday (tear. our little boy is getting so big)! Brayden is now wearing 6 to 9 month clothing! He also rolled over for the first time last week. I think it was by accident, because it has not happened again yet. Now he just rolls up onto his side and then gets frustrated. It's kinda cute though, but I am probably partial. Brayden is also doing really well with tummy time and has starting to push himself up with his arms! And boy oh boy does he love to show off his gums with his heart melting smiles and giggles.
Whats to come...we are looking forward to Thanksgiving next week and making the trip down to MomMom and PopPops (Dan's parents) for Thanksgiving dinner! Then Christmas will be here before you know it (wow we need to start Christmas shopping) and my parents (Nana and Grandpa) are driving east to stay with us for a little while and celebrate Brayden's first Christmas! We CAN'T wait to see them and spend some time together!!! My dad has not been able to get back here since right after Brayden was born. Thankfully we have been able to Skype and send lots of pictures, but it still is not the same!
So next month Brayden has his four month doctor's for shots, but we will find out for sure how much he has grown! I can't wait to see what changes this month will bring! The past three months have been full of ups and downs and lots of changes, but we have cherished every moment with Brayden and look forward to what the next three months will bring!!! We love you Brayden!