So today we had Brayden's six month doctor's appointment and he is doing great!!
Height: 26.25 (60th percentile)
Weight 19lbs 1.6 ounces (75th percentile)
Clothes Size: 9 to 12 months
Diapers: Size 4
This month has been full of changes:
-Brayden can now sit up very well and even catches himself when he starts to fall to one side or the other. We just have to watch him flying backwards, but he only seems to do that now when he gets tried.
-Brayden has also mastered rolling over in both directions, but does not seem to like to roll onto his tummy too much (well unless he is in his crib). As far as rolling to his every time we put Brayden on his tummy he rolls over to his back within seconds. I think partially because he doesn't want to be on his tummy and partially because it makes us laugh.
-Recently this week, the few times that we have managed to get Brayden to stay on his tummy he has started pulling his knees up under himself.
-We continue to get lots of smiles and more and more "talking" daily.
-Brayden loves Bailey dog. Especially when Bailey gets close enough for Brayden to pet (well bat at) and pull his hair or ears. Haha, it is too cute and Bailey doesn't seem to mind.
-Dan has managed to get a handful of belly laughs from Brayden. It is not consistent yet, but way more than I get...I guess I am not as funny. Surprise, surprise.
-Brayden continues to LOVE his jumperoo and his johnny-jump-up. He actually seems to like the johnny-jump-up more than the jumperoo. I did not think that was possible.
Sleep habits (for now....):
-Wake time is around 7 or 7:30am
-Brayden is now down to two naps a day which average about 1.5 to 2 hours.
-Bedtime is around 7:30pm
What is next:
-We have not started food yet, but are thinking about starting it this weekend. Say tuned for further discussions and stories on that!!
-More laughing (hopefully)...can't ever get enough of those belly laughs!
-Maybe (if we can keep Brayden on his tummy long enough) some more baby steps toward crawling...not that I want a completely mobile baby.
So apparently we were not funny enough to get a smile from Brayden when we took these pictures, but we did manage to get some spit up and drool! Welcome to six months! We love you Brayden!