Wednesday, March 30, 2011


So I have to say that I am feeling kinda sad today. This morning I went into work for a few hours, while Brayden stayed home with Dan (he is off the rest of the week before starting his new job on Monday). I know, I know, what is the big deal?! Well four hours is the longest that I have ever left Brayden thus far. I did okay, but I also knew that he was at home with Dan....who is the most amazing father by the way. Anyway, next week will be the "big" test when Brayden goes to daycare for the first time! It will only be one morning a week, which I know is not bad at all. Yet it really is not what I want to do. Who wouldn't want to be at home playing with an almost eight month old instead?! But life is life, so we will make it work.

So, I am sad that I am going to be away from Brayden some and sad that he is almost eight months old! I am also sad that Brayden now goes down for naps and to bed at night without being rocked. I really loved rocking my little "baby" and watching him sleeping. Then to top off my pitty party of sadness for today, I am sad because Brayden now drinks from a sippy cup!! :( 

Brayden is at such an amazing age... learning everyday, moving all around (yet still containable), "talking" up a storm, and developing such a lovable personality!!! But he is growing up way too quick, because I miss my little baby...

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Here are some pictures that we had taken when Brayden was six months old. I loved how they came out and plan to have some more taken this summer when he is a year old. Wow, I can't believe we are already talking about him being a year old soon. :(

Isn't he perfect. Okay, I know I am partial. 

Happy Boy!

Haha, unsure about the fur blanket.


My parents (Nana and Grandpa) just left after staying with Dan, Brayden, and I for ten days. We had a great visit with them and were very sad that they had to leave! We keep praying that their house in Illinois will sell so that they can move back to the east coast and be closer to us!!

We kept very busy with my parents here .... running lots of errands, doing some spring shopping, and most importantly having Brayden baptized. It was awesome to spend time with them, relax, shop, and get a lot done. I was also off work, and I must say that I enjoyed every second of it. My parents were also a huge help with getting everything ready for Brayden's baptism, which turned out perfectly!!

Now it is back to the grind....5am wake up call for work, ugh! We also have lots of changes coming our way this week. Dan's last day at JPMorgan/Chase is Tuesday, and then he starts a new job at SallieMae on April 4th. Plus, my work has been pressuring me to start coming back into the office one day a week. So are trying to figure out what to do...just saying lots of prayers right now that things will work out.

Anyway, here are a few pictures from Brayden's baptism and our visit with my parents! :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patty's Day!!!

Hope everyone is having a good St.Patty's Day. Ours has been wonderful so far! Plus the weather is beautiful and we got out for a nice walk, so that always helps!!! Here are a few pictures from our day....

The green lunch (peas and avocado) that I made for Brayden. Looks yummy, huh??!!! The juice was for me though (still keeping it festive)...maybe next year Brayden can try some of that too!

I know I am partial, but I would have to agree that he is a McCutie!

My McCutie sharing some drool!

Haha, slightly confused by what is on his head....

Now just annoyed with the pictures...Brayden you are my Lucky Charm though!!

That's all for now. Nana and Grandpa (my parents) are going to be arriving from Illinois soon! We can't wait for our visit with them and will have lots of pictures and stories to post once they leave!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

7 Months

Well, Brayden is 7 months old today. Again, I must say...where oh where does the time go?! I truly do enjoy every single moment that I spend at home with Brayden (yes even on the rare days when I think I might lose it), yet the days, weeks, and months still seem to be going wayyyy to quick!

We do not go back to the doctor till 9 months. So yay for no shots this month!! However, I don't have an update on Brayden's height or weight. I am guessing that he weighs about 20 lbs now though.

Clothes Size: Still 9 to 12 months - although his 9 month onesies and pants are getting short!

Diapers: Still size 4

Updates from the past month:

-Learning to sit up seems to be a thing of the past. Brayden still loves sitting up and playing with his toys, or just looking around and watching Bailey dog. He is not able to get into the sitting up position on his own yet, but has learned how to get from a sitting position gracefully onto his belly or side.

-Brayden is also now a rolling machine. Although he has been able to roll over for awhile now, he has just within the past few weeks taken to rolling and rolling and rolling until he gets where he wants to be. It is really cute/funny to watch. Brayden has even figured out that he needs to roll the other direction once he gets pinned up against a wall.

-So last month Brayden did not like to be on his tummy, well this month he loves it!! He will typically even roll onto his tummy if we place him on his back. Once on his belly, Brayden will stay their for awhile and play or look around and then the rolling begins.... 

-Brayden continues to smile all the time! He is also making new noises and sounds daily, some of which get louder and louder as he is discovering his voice. It is funny to watch him make new sounds, because he usually pauses afterward and just looks at you kinda confused. Then when he realizes that he made that sound, he smiles like he couldn't be prouder of himself. :)

-Brayden still loves watching Bailey dog, especially when he is eating. Although Bailey is coming around to Brayden and would never hurt a fly, I am still not too sure that he loves him yet.

-So I managed to get my first laughs from Brayden this past month. Maybe I am getting more funny?! I love hearing Brayden laugh and we are getting more and more laughs each week.

-Brayden continues to love his jumperoo and his johnny-jump-up...which are two of his favorite activities, along with rolling around on the floor, reading books, bath time, and playing with mommy and daddy.

-Oh, and the big update...we started food!! Brayden has tried avocado, sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, pears, and rice cereal. He seems to love avocado and sweet potatoes. Carrots he also loved, but we had some other issues with them. Peas and pears he will eat, but seems indifferent about.

Sleep habits (for now....):

-Wake time is around 6:30 or 7am
-Brayden takes two naps a day (typically 10am and 2pm) which average about 1.5 hours.
-Bedtime is around 7pm

-Oh and for a baby that did not like being on his tummy last month. Brayden now sleeps on his tummy the majority of the time! Usually he will start out on his side, and then roll to his tummy for the rest of his nap and/or night.

What is next:

-More laughing...can't ever get enough of those belly laughs!

-Some more foods...up next is broccoli, apples, green beans, and zucchini. Then maybe banana and prunes.

-Crawling, maybe?! Brayden pushes himself back onto his knees, but that's about as far as he gets right now. I am thinking that he may either do the army crawl, or just skip crawling and start pulling himself up on things. However, for now, I am very content with him not crawling or pulling himself up on things! Then I am in for it!

Welcome to seven months! We love you Brayden!

Here are a few 7 month pictures from today. Can you tell that he gets less and less excited to take a picture each time, haha. Oh and on a side note, we just recently noticed that his scrunched noise smile is the same face that Dan makes when he is laughing/smiling and you take a picture! Too cute! I will have to do a side by side of their pictures one of these times!

Love this face!

Another one of Brayden's new favorite things to do

And one of my we found Brayden this morning..haha.