Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween - Part Two

So tonight my brother and my dad came over for dinner, dessert (amazing pumpkin pecan ice cream my dad brought from a local creamery), and to see Brayden all dressed up! We all had a GREAT brother handed out candy to the little ones, my dad was on dog patrol, and Dan and I took Brayden out to a few houses to Trick-or-Treat! My mom was out of town and very much missed!

Dinner time

Getting ready

Watching the "big kids"

My favorite Tiger!


Walking to our first house...

Walking home.

Uncle Bryan sneaking Brayden candy.

All-done! And cute hoodie Uncle Bryan brought as gift!

Yay for Halloween!

Night, Night!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Halloween - Part One

So this weekend we decided to make some Halloween themed cookies (the good stuff - pumpkin cookies - are coming next month) and carve pumpkins. The pumpkin, which Dan ended up carving, turned out great! I thought that Brayden was going to like playing with the "inside" of the pumpkin; however, he did not. Instead, he enjoyed playing with the top of the pumpkin and eating a sugar cookie...not a bad deal.

Monday, October 24, 2011


So this weekend we had a few firsts! First time Brayden fed himself....


 All by myself!!

And the first time he helped Dan wash his truck...

Both a little messy, but lots of FUN!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

First Cold

So we appear to be on the upside of Brayden's very first cold! I am so happy that we made it 14 months without Brayden getting a cold, but it still hurts my heart to see my "baby" sick. Although, he has been such a trooper through it all! Even with a snotty nose, a little cough, lots of congestion, and a fever, he has still been an angel. We had a few nights where he was up once or twice, and have had a few picky meals, but who  can blame him?! I don't feel like eating much when I am sick either, especially not broccoli or carrots...and it is tough to lay flat in a crib and sleep when you can't breathe! Dan got the humidifier out last night and we ran it in Brayden's room and he slept perfectly. I love that thing! So here is too another good nights sleep and hopefully an amazing toddler who is feeling 100% better tomorrow!! :) And what is a post without a couple pictures from today....

Still feels well enough to make a mess play apparently..

Look at me!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

14 Months

Wow, Brayden turns 14 months today, and what an awesome month it has been! 

Some Updates:

    Clothing Size: 18 to 24 months
    Diapers: Size 5 (during the day) and Size 6 (during the night)

We have been having some issues with Brayden filling up his nighttime diapers and leaking through to his clothes and sheets. So now have to use Size 6 diapers at night and put an extra diaper liner inside of them. For now this seems to be working. We still have a few small leaks from time to time, but much better than the issues we were having before!!!

Doctor Stats:

   No doctor's appointment this month, but I am guessing Brayden weighs about 25lbs.

Some "new" things from the past month:

-Brayden is doing great at walking now and with his shoes on too! No running yet, but I am guessing that will be any day now. Brayden is still a little unstable at times, but mostly only when he gets going really fast and then looses his balance.

-We have been working on teaching Brayden to climb/slide down off the couch, our bed, and the stairs. It is going pretty well, but we still have to watch him closely. It is too cute to watch Brayden slide off our bed on his belly...he just gets so tickled with himself, like he is so proud of what he just did. However, Brayden still has no concept of heights, or maybe it is just that he has no fear!! If given the chance, Brayden would walk/crawl head first right off our bed, the couch, or stairs.

-Brayden is understanding pretty much everything we say these days and I just love it! Although his listening may be selective at times, he knows what we tell/ask him to do and it is amazing to watch and see.

-Brayden's vocabulary now includes the following words: dada, dad, nana (for my mom and banana), baba (for Bailey), yes, not, cheese, bath, hot (new this week), hat (new this week), and dee (for anything he is pointing to and wants). Although Brayden has said mama a few times, it is stilllll not a regular thing. I know one day he will be saying mom all the time, probably so much so that there will be a passing moment when I wish he couldn't say mom. However, right now I wish he would use it more!!!

-A few new things...Brayden loves to lay back in the bath and splash his legs. We are thinking about looking into swim lessons this winter. Brayden also recently learned where his belly and toes are. He also learned to open/close the garage door this month and loves to push the button and see it open or close. We are still working on teaching Brayden to say that he is one/hold up his finger. He laughs and loves when we say it, but he doesn't seem to have much interest besides that. Oh and if Brayden wants to go outside and play, he now goes over to the back door and attempts to put his shoes on. Haha, it is too cute to watch!

-This month, Brayden is loving the following things: his IPOD/music, his books, his little people toys, his toy laptop, playing with Bailey, going for walks, his Milk cup, and pretty much anything involving being outside...especially his coupe car, the slide, and his Spiderman bat (not sure why...he has nooo idea who Spiderman is).

-Although he is now voicing his opinion and has his picky moments/days, Brayden still continues to be a good eater for the most part! Brayden's favorite foods right now are probably his milk, yogurt, cheese, carrots, broccoli, pizza, spaghetti, and yogurt melts.

Sleep habits:

-Wake time is around 7:30ish
-One nap a day around 12:30pm and usually sleeps for 2+ hours.
-Bedtime is 7:30 to 8pm

-Brayden still sleeps on his side or tummy 99.9 percent of the time.

14 Month Pictures:

Signing more to Daddy who was pushing him on the train

Giving Bailey his ball


Happy 14 Months Brayden! We Love You!!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Play Center

So this week has been a very busy, but fun week! We had a play date on Monday, Tuesday we tried a new play group, Wednesday I went into work in the morning, Thursday we went to a new play center (more to follow), and Friday we had another play group! 

There is a neat indoor play center less than 10 minutes from our house that I have been wanting to check out with Brayden. I have been contemplating whether or not he was old enough for it yet and finally decided to just go and check it out this week! So, my mom was nice enough to come with us and explore...what a good Nana!! :) Well, it was awesome and Brayden had a great time! We got there right when they opened and played for a good 45 minutes before anyone else showed up, which was perfect! Brayden loved exploring all the neat play areas...I think his favorite were the slides, climbing up the foam walls, and climbing in and out of all the neat hiding areas! 

Anyway, here are some pictures from the day! We can't wait to go back again later this fall/winter!

Time to play!

And he is off....

Wasn't too sure about the balls. But loved watching some of the bigger kids play in them!

Brayden's absolute favorite - climbing up this wall and sliding down.

Loved looking through at the "big kid toys"

So Fun!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Pumpkin Time

Have I mentioned that fall is my favorite season??!! I absolutely love everything about fall...the weather, the leaves, the holidays, the family time, the baked goods, oh and the candy corn! I probably should not admit this, but we have given Brayden a few very small pieces of candy corn and he loves it too. I mean, how can you not?! Now whenever he walks by the "candy corn" jar he reaches for it...but we just ignore that, haha!

Anyway, with the beautiful fall weather we were having this week I decide to take Brayden up to Milburn Orchards today! We had a great time! Brayden was fascinated by the baby goats and bunnies, and loved running and playing in the pumpkin patch! Although, I think he enjoyed playing with the rocks on the gravel pathway the best! Oh child of mine! Brayden was also a great helper picking out our pumpkins. We also picked up some apple cider doughnuts on our way out...I mean how can you not! Now, picture this... me pushing a stroller with a 25 lb baby in it, two pumpkins crammed in the storage basket, and one pumpkin on Brayden's lap, all while carrying a diaper bag and cider doughnuts. Funny right?! Haha.

Here are some of the pictures from our day...

Playing in the Pumpkin Patch

Oh wait, there is the gravel... 

My little man!

Just carrying my pumpkin, no big deal 

All of our pumpkins.

Time to go.