Friday, November 25, 2011


Not only on Thanksgiving, but all year long, I am thankful for a faithful God, for a husband who loves me unconditionally, for being blessed with my most precious son, for loving and supportive families, for wonderful friends, for food on the table, for a roof over our head, for good health, for freedom, for our jobs, and for hope for the future... Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 21, 2011

15 Months

I am a little late on Brayden's 15 month post, but I was waiting for his doctor's appointment today so that I could update his stats. Sorry in advance if this is repetitive or boring, but I love looking back at Brayden's monthly updates and seeing what he was up.

Some Updates:

    Clothing Size: 24 months
    Diapers: Size 6

We are still having some issues with Brayden filling up his nighttime diapers and leaking through to his clothes and sheets. We have been using Size 6 diapers at night and put an extra diaper liner inside of them. At first this seemed to be working, with only a few small leaks from time to time, but not so much anymore!!! So, the past few days we have cut Brayden's nightime milk cup back by half. This seems to be helping, so we will see...

Doctor Stats:

   Height: 32.6 inches (90th percentile) 
   Weight: 26.2 pounds (70th percentile)
   Head: 48.9 cm (90th percentile)

The past month:

-So walking seems to be a thing of the past now. Although Brayden has been known to stumble at anytime, he walks practical runs everywhere now!

-New this month: Brayden now slides down the stairs, yes even the hardwood ones. Sounds painful, huh?! Brayden now knows where his bibs are and goes and gets one if you ask him or if he wants something to eat or drink. Brayden continues to feed Bailey as his "chore" and knows how to put back/get his shoes, hat, and hoodie or jacket.

-Also new this month: Brayden knows where all the kitchen appliances are, in addition to his head, hair, nose, ears, and belly. Yes, these are our distractions when he is finished eating and I am cleaning up, haha. Also, when asked, Brayden will thump his chest like a gorilla, wave his arms like a monkey, clap his hands like a seal, kick his legs like a donkey, and wiggle his toes. These are all from a book. Probably the newest thing Brayden just learned is to pant like a dog and snort like a pig when asked what they do. Haha.

-So today we were up in the bathroom and Brayden found a little piece of paper I dropped. I saw him pick it up and was just watching to see what he would do...I thought that he was going to try and eat it. To my surprise, he proceeded to walk over to the trashcan and throw it away. It continues to amaze me everyday how much Brayden really does understand. 

-Brayden's vocabulary now includes the following words: dada, dad, dadee (can you tell he loves his dad?!), mama (finally...I love hearing him say it too), nana (for my mom and banana), babde (for Bailey), yes, not, cheese, bath, hot, hat, hit, cat, done, that (for something he wants), drop (when he is playing ball with Bailey), help, and dee (for anything he is pointing to and wants). Brayden also signs more, help, and please.

-For the time being, Brayden is loving the following things: his music, his books, his little people toys, playing with Bailey, going for walks, his milk cup, wrestling with daddy, pillows (he loves to lay on them and carry them around), the roomba, and pretty much anything involving being outside.

-Brayden still continues to be a great eater for the most part! Although he does have his picky moments. Brayden's favorite foods right now are probably his milk, yogurt, carrots, broccoli, corn, blueberries, grapes, strawberries, sweet potatoes, jelly sandwiches, tortillas, pizza, spaghetti, and yogurt melts. Brayden also loves lollipops, chocolate, and candy, but has only had a few tastes of these. The chocolate thanks to my brother on Halloween, and the candy thanks to candy corn. Definitely not a regular thing...don't want him to have a major sweet tooth like his momma!

-Other Updates: Brayden has his first cold and ear infection this past month, cut his 3rd bottom tooth, and is currently in the process of cutting his 4th bottom tooth and his 2nd and 3rd top teeth. It also looks like his first set of bottom molars are swollen, but if they are anything like his other teeth, they will take months to actually cut through. Poor guy has swollen/red gums forever when he is teething! He usually handles it ok though...thankfully!

Sleep habits:

-Wake time is around 7:30ish
-One nap a day around 12:30ish and usually sleeps for 2+ hours.
-Bedtime is 7:45/8pm

-Brayden usually falls asleep sprawled out on his back, but then sleeps the rest of his time on his side or tummy.


Brayden's schedule is still the same for the most part. Milk cup (6oz) first thing in the morning when he gets up after diaper change while Mama gets ready. Breakfast around 8ish (usually fruit and cereal or oatmeal or a gerber breakfast bar). Lunch at 11:30ish (usually 6oz milk cup, a carb of some sort, and fruit). Snack around 3pm after nap (typically a 6oz milk cup and yogurt). Dinner around 6ish (typically whatever we are eating - so usually a carb, veggie, and meat of some sort). Bath around 7pm and nighttime milk cup (recently cut back to 3-4oz) at 7:30pm.

15 Month Pictures:

story time with Daddy

15 months old today

"hey, over here..."

I am up to no good smirk! :)

playing with  in my toys

banned from the snack cabinet after dumping cheerios all over the floor

helping mommy mop and loving it!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Recent Happenings...

Some recent pictures to show what we have been up to...

Pack N' Play ball pit at our playgroup friend's house. Great idea. Christmas idea?!

Lifting Weights

Morning milk in bed with Daddy! What a nice weekend treat!

UD Homecoming. We had four college friends staying with us for the weekend - good times!

Family pictures..

and lots of...