Friday, February 24, 2012

18 months

Wow, one and a half years old. I don't know why, but I feel like that seems so big! These past few months we have really noticed Brayden becoming such a "little man"! It is so cute and makes me smile to think about, but it is definitely bitter sweet. Why does 18 months fly by so quickly once you have a child?!

Brayden still wakes up around 7:30am, takes a nap typically from 1 to 3pm, and goes to bed at 8pm. He also still eats three meals a day and one afternoon snack, although some mornings he has a  small mid-morning snack too depending on what he ate for breakfast and if he was really active. 

I know that this post is a week late, but we were waiting on Brayden's stats from his 18-month doctor's appointment (see bottom of post) which was this morning. Brayden is doing great and was such a big boy and didn't cry at all during his shot! I was so proud of him! But, does it make me a bad mom that I was also a little sad that he didn't cry during his shot?!! I feel like that is something a big boy does, and he can't be a big boy yet, right??...he's still my baby!!!

This month:

-So, this month Brayden has decided that the only toys he likes are ones that are not really toys! I know that it is just one of many phases, so we are making the most of it in the meantime. Right now, Brayden's all time favorite toy is probably the tv remotes! No, he does not want to, nor try to watch tv with them, he just wants to hide them in his tent and then run back and forth with them moving them from one spot to the next. It is actually really entertaining to watch! Dan and I were very hesitant to let Brayden play with them, but finally decide that it was not dangerous nor a battle that we felt necessary to deal with everyday. Plus, I have a feeling that he will soon get sick of this game, haha.

-This past month, Brayden has really started becoming more vocal and also trys to repeat a lot more of what we say now. I won't list every single word he says, but the words that he does say, he says a lot! My favorites to hear, and his favorites to say, are probably Da-dee (Daddy), Ma or Mama, Dabdee (aka Bailey), mamoon (moon), mamore (more), hellllllp (help), hot (in reference to my coffee or the oven), appull (apple), bubye (bye bye), and ahmen (amen).

-We have really been enjoying this mild winter and being able to get outside a good bit. Brayden loves running around and being outside. The slide is probably one of his favorite outside activities right now, which he now does without our assistance at all! We have also started taking Brayden on walks without the stroller, which he loves! Although we are working on the hand holding thing when crossing the street. He is refusing to hold our hand when walking now, I am sure it is an independence thing, so typically we default to picking him up. We are also trying to teach him the word stop, because usually he is off and running! I do have to say, that Brayden quickly learned to stay on the side walk though, so that is at least a step in the right direction!

Other Updates:

-Height: 34 inches (90th percentile); Weight: 27.4 pounds (60th percentile), and Head: 49.5cm (90th percentile).

-Brayden now has 8 teeth, three molars, and his fourth molar is finally almost all the way in. Poor guy, I thought that molar was never going to come in. It has been half cut through for weeks now! It also looks like Brayden is going to cut some of his eye teeth very soon too!

-Brayden continues to be a great eater and loves his m-i-l-k as we usually have to spell it out. I am waiting for the day that he learns what we are spelling out. The child would drink m-i-l-k 24/7 if we let him and typically chugs his whole 6oz sippy cup in a few minutes flat. Brayden has gotten a lot better about trying new foods (we were in a stand still for a month). And if he won't try it, all you have to do is put a teeny tiny bit of ketchup on the first few bites until he realizes that he likes it.

Brayden you light up our world and are constantly making us laugh and smile! We love you so much! Happy 18-months big boy!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Water Boy

Today was the last day of Brayden's swim classes. Brayden and I started swim class at the YMCA shortly after the New Year and have had so much fun! Since birth Brayden has always loved bath time and being in the water, so during the cold winter months, we knew that indoor swim class was a must-do activity for fun and to exert some energy. During the past few weeks, it has been amazing to see how much Brayden has improved and learned at such a young age. Brayden still does not really like to splash, but he has learned to kick with his legs, paddle with his arms, float on his back (one of his favorites), blow bubbles (which may or may not resemble putting your mouth in the water and drinking it, but he tries), hold onto the edge by himself, and stand up on the edge and jump in on my count (another favorite)! We have had such blast together and have looked forward to our swim class every week! In fact, we have loved it so much, that I think we are signing him up for another 7-week session! We can't wait!

Nana (my mom) came to watch Brayden's swim class today and took some pictures of us...


Just hanging out.

Blowing bubbles.

1-2-3 Jump! Love!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day 2012

So today was a rather interesting day which starting off with the dog getting out of the fenced in yard and a trip to the doctor's office. After about an hour and a half we did get Bailey dog back. This then prompted a bath because he clearly had rolled in some awful smelling goodness. Shortly after this was all taken care of, we packed up and headed to the doctor to have them look at a rash that Brayden developed over the weekend. Hand-foot-mouth. Have you heard of it? It is a virus that primarily causes a rash/sores on your hands, feet, and in your mouth. That is what Brayden has. As of right now, he is in great spirits considering everything and primarily seems to have the rash on his bottom, legs, and feet, with some spots elsewhere. We did notice a few red spots in his mouth tonight though. We are praying that those don't get any worse, because according to the doctor those are the ones that cause the most pain. They thought that Brayden was very pleasant and happy in the doctor's office considering the virus, which made me feel good. So we are hoping and praying that he is over the worst and on the road to recovery.

Anyway, the rest of our Valentine's Day was wonderful and since I have already typed enough, I will let the pictures tell the rest. 

Playing with Bailey dog.

Happy boy found all the remotes!

Mommy's Valentine

Then we ended our day with presents, heart-shaped grill cheese and tomato soup, and red velvet cupcakes and cookies that we made for Daddy!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Beautiful Weather and New Activities

We were blessed with several days of nice weather during the past few weeks, which meant lots of playing outside for us! Brayden also learned how to water the plants everything in the yard!

We introduced some new activities this past week as well, which Brayden has really doe and stackable crayons!

Growing Up

I thought that when Brayden turned one, maybe the growing up and changing would slow down just a bit. But that doesn't seem to be the case. I love seeing the little man that he is becoming, but I wouldn't mind if time just slowed down a tad! All of a sudden, Brayden is really starting to talk a lot more and copy words that we are saying. He is also perfecting drinking out of a "big boy" cup and using his own utensils to feed himself!

It has also been neat for us to see Brayden's imagination developing! He loves to "cook" and have picnics. Also watching his music dvd is another favorite. However, that one we have had to put a few limitations on. 

Silly boy attempting to smile for the camera in the morning. I know, I wouldn't want my picture taken first thing either, but I couldn't resist capturing his laughter on this morning. 

Happy boy with wild hair after bath time!