Tuesday, July 31, 2012

16 weeks

So I am a little over 16 weeks pregnant now with Baby Cooper #2!! Our estimated due date is January 11, 2013 and we are beyond excited! We have started talking to Brayden about being a "big brother" and having a little brother or sister. He doesn't completely understand what is going on, but he gets some of it here and there. Right now, Brayden insists that he is having a baby sister and that her name is going to be Mommy! I think it is so adorable and we made sure to get him on video saying that before he stops. Speaking of whether or not we will be having a another baby boy in our family or a baby girl, our next ultrasound is August 13th....so a little less than two weeks away!

16 weeks pregnant with Brayden (not sure why we didn't include my face, haha)

22 weeks pregnant with Brayden

16 weeks pregnant with Baby Cooper #2 - hello baby bump!

Its amazing how you can carry so differently from one pregnancy to the next! Funny thing is that this time I have gained less than half the amount of weight that I had gained with Brayden by this same point. However, this time I think my belly looks almost as big as it did at 22 weeks with Brayden! I feel like I am carrying sooo much lower this time too! Baby BOY or Baby GIRL....we will soon find out!! :)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

23 months

So we are less than one month away from the two year mark! I can not believe it! My "baby" boy is almost two! 

Brayden has been doing great! He continues to talk more and more each day and just amazes us with some of the things he comes up with. I will give a full update next month after Brayden doctor's appointment, but a few of my favorite things right now include the following:

- When you ask Brayden how much he loves his mom or dad, he replies "whole bunch"
- Unprompted kisses and hugs
- How much Brayden loves Bailey and KOKO (what Brayden calls Uncle B's dog)
- Playing high five, low five with Brayden and watching his face light up
- Watching Brayden blow and catch our kisses
- Chasing Brayden with his ball popper toy and watching him laugh hysterically
- Seeing and hearing Brayden say new words everyday

While We Were Gone...

In the meantime while we were gone, Brayden had a blast with his Nana and Pa! They played at the park with friends, went berry picking at Milburn Orchards, and went to Plumpton Zoo. I also think that Uncle B stopped by a lot and fed Brayden his fair share of ice cream! ;)

Sign of a great week/weekend with the Grandparents!! :)

Dominican Republic

Last week Dan and I were in the Dominican Republic for five days for our dear friends destination wedding! We had a great time and the weather was perfect! It was also nice to relax a little and enjoy each other's company! We knew that Brayden was in great hands and loves spending time with his Nana and Pa; however, we still missed him terribly! Sunday night when we got home at midnight, we woke Brayden up to see him. Of course I started crying while I was holding him and Dan teared up too. We had a wonderful trip, but are also glad to be home with our "baby" boy.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

A little bit of this, a little bit of that...

Here are some pictures that document what we have been up to this past week...

Eating snack with "Veet" (our friends dog)

Practicing looking at the camera and smiling for our 2 year pictures

Watching KO (Uncle B's dog) and making sure he drinks his "Wawa"

Eating Kixx's for Breakfast

Playing outside!

Helping Mommy unload the dishwasher

And sleeping like a baby!

Next week Dan and I are headed to the Dominican Republic for a dear friends destination wedding! We are a little anxious about leaving Brayden, but we also know that he will be in excellent hands with my parents. Brayden loves his Nana and Pa so much and I am sure that they will have a blast!  Dan and I are going to miss Brayden so much; however, we are also looking forward to the one-on-one time together! I am sure that we won't be taking a trip like this next summer with baby number two only being a few months old! ;) Anyway, I will post about Brayden's time with Nana and Pa when we get back, and hopefully they will take a few pictures for me too while we are gone!! 

4th of July - 2012

This year for the 4th of July, we headed down to Dan's Aunt's house for a BBQ and some pool time. It was extremely hot, but a perfect day by the pool. Brayden had a blast playing in the pool all afternoon and of course jumping on the trampoline with Daddy!

Brayden's 4th of July themed Breakfast of Champions

Floating - Brayden's favorite pool activity

Trying to splash Mommy

1-2-3 GO

4th of July themed cookies that Brayden helped make

yummy ice cream sandwiches -
 I won't even say how many were eaten between Dan, Brayden, and myself ;)

HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!!

Blueberry Muffins

I am finally getting around to posting pictures from my first baking experience with Brayden! We had a lot of fun making the muffins and Brayden was a great helper. Although, I think he was more interested in playing with the utensil drawer than helping me bake! Haha, oh well, whatever works! :)