Saturday, June 1, 2013

Summer Hair

So this past week has been in the upper 80's! Brayden has been outside playing and running around a lot. Needless to say, he has been getting very hot and sweaty, so we decided it was time to cut his hair. We love Brayden's longer hair, but it is just too warm for these hot summer days. I may have shed a tear, and we are still getting used to seeing him with short hair, but we do love it! And no worries, we will grow his hair back out for the fall and winter.

The locks I love!

Go time.

New summer hair cut. He looks so grown up!

Just watching

Just looking out the front door and watching on this rainy morning...

Daddy's 30th Birthday

This past month Dan turned 30! We celebrated on his birthday with Omaha steaks, double stuffed potatoes, and green beans with pesto. It was delicious, but unfortunately Dan ended up having to cook some of it since I had to feed Brooklyn. Haha, Happy Birthday, right?! After dinner we sang Happy Birthday to Daddy and enjoyed his delicious dessert! Brayden and Daddy both dug in and Brayden may or may not of stayed up till 9pm on a sugar high. ;) That weekend, Dan then got to celebrate his birthday with a surprise guys trip to Washington, D.C. for the Phillies game and a night out, as well as a BBQ at his parents house. It was a great holiday weekend!

Sunny Days

We have really been enjoying these warm, sunny days lately. Although 90 degrees may be a little too warm for us, haha! Brayden loves being outside and asks to go out right after breakfast each morning. I don't complain, because then I can sit outside and drink my coffee while he plays and Brooklyn is napping! :)

New shades.

Fixing Daddy's bike

First time in the swing. This picture makes me laugh, haha.

4 months old - Brooklyn

This post is a little overdue, as Brooklyn is almost five months now, but she is doing great! Brooklyn absolutely adores her big brother and loves to do anything nearby when she can hear his voice! This isn't hard to accomplish as Brayden loves to talk, haha! ;)