Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Photo Shoot

This is what happens when we try to take photos of the kids all dressed up after church...


Brayden..say Cheese.

Brooklyn...smile (insert us making silly noises and faces).

Brayden...Brooklyn...look at Mommy!

Now smile too! Yay Brooklyn....but where did Brayden go??

Sigh. And we keep trying...


Just a few milestones that have been happening around here..

Straw sippy cups and solid foods.

Just loved this one. Both kiddos just adore Bailey dog!

Standy pants.

Pulling up in her crib!

Brooklyn Louise - 10 Months

Oh happy girl how we love you so! Probably the biggest news this month is that Brooklyn is crawling all over the places, pulling up on everything, and finding lots of new things to explore (aka get in trouble with). She has also master the scrunchy face/laugh , which apparently both my mom and I used to do...so I guess you can say it is hereditary, haha! Brooklyn is also eating a decent amount of solid food now. She still gets baby food at each meal, but in addition she is offered some solid food at each meal too. Brooklyn loves yogurt melts, corn, sweet potatoes, cheerios, cheese, peas, carrots, pears, apples, and bread. She will also eat a small amount of banana, green beans, and quinoa. So far the only solid food that she really has not cared for is avocado. I think we are going to try rice and some cooked broccoli this week.

Scrunchy face!

Full of smiles.

Thought this photo actually turned out kinda neat.

Pulling up.

Standy pants. Haha, the best scrunchy face!!

MomMom's Birthday

MomMom's birthday was at the end of October, so we celebrated by having Dan's parents and his brother up for the afternoon to hang out, watch the Eagles game, and have dinner. And of course Brayden always enjoys a good excuse...

for a party...

some iPad time..

some more iPad time..

some cuddles..

some loud toys..

and most of all some CAKE!

Oh, and don't miss Bailey's head in this picture. Of course he is trying to get some food too!


Brayden had Preschool on Halloween morning. Then we enjoyed naps, some afternoon festive crafts, a quick pizza dinner, and got ready to go trick-or-treating in our neighborhood (or to Mr. Paul's house as Brayden would say). Nana and Pa also came over to see the kids all dressed up and to help hand out candy while we took Brayden (and Brooklyn) trick-or-treating.

Pausing for a picture in his Halloween shirt

Brayden trying to hold Brooklyn's hand

Waiting for the kids to come trick-or-treat

Cutest spider I have ever seen.

Preschool Harvest Party

The week before Halloween, Brayden's preschool had a Harvest Party. All the kids wore their Halloween costumes to school and had a little trick-or-treat parade in the parking lot. All the parents were welcome to come watch and enjoy the festivities as well! Nana tagged along too and we had a great time!

My little lion

Laughing at Miss Helen

Trick-or-Treating with Miss Ryann

Logan and Brayden looking at their treats.

Stopping to love on Nana 

Enjoying some treats after the parade and trick-or-treating

Daddy and Brayden