Brooklyn Louise Cooper, on Jan 6th 2014 you turned 12 months old. A whole year old!!! I won't ask where the time went, because we know the happens. But yes, 2013 seemed to be the fastest year of my life thus far.
Brooklyn, the night before your birthday as I read you books and sang to you before bed I was thinking back on your first year of life and all that we had experienced. Although different from your brother's first birthday, I was excited and looking forward to seeing the person that you will become. When Brayden turned one, I just couldn't believe that a year had already passed and that scared me. But now, I see the amazing, smart, funny, handsome little man that he is becoming and I can't wait to see what you will be like at his age. Yes, I am bummed that a year passed by so quickly, but I also know that we enjoyed every moment of your first year (well 99.9 percent of them) and have a lot to look forward to!
Your personality is really starting to shine through these days. You love to smile, laugh, and babble. You are mainly saying "dada", "yaya", "ba ba", with the occasional "mama" added in there. You love your babies and teddies and get so excited when you see them! You also love music and love to dance along. Brooklyn, you love to snuggle and love to be held. You are working on standing up on your own and walking though. You cruise from one thing to the next and are starting to try and climb too. You can also stand up by yourself (without holding onto anything) when you want, but if we try to get you to stand on your own you just sit right down. Soon enough.
You pretty much only want to feed yourself these days. I try and feed you oatmeal and yogurt because they can get pretty messy, but sometimes that doesn't even fly. You pretty much eat all finger foods now and so far are a great eater. Some favorites are sweet potatoes, peas, carrots, strawberries, blueberries, banana, ground turkey, meatballs, waffles, cherrios with milk, couscous, bread, and cheese.
I feel like your schedule has been the same for a little while now, which probably means you are getting ready to change it up on us. Anyway, you typically wake up between 7 and 7:30am. Your morning nap starts between 9:30 and 10am (the very latest) and is usually 1.5 to 2 hours, and your afternoon nap is typically around 1:30pm (the same as your brother) and again is 1.5 to 2 hours. Bath time starts around 7pm, and then you are in bed around 7:45pm. You are still nursing four time a day, in the morning, after both naps, and then before bed. You eat three meals a day and have one small snack in the afternoon after nap.
You had your one year check up on your birthday (and shots too, I know, not nice Ma) and are going great. Your stats are as follows: Height 39 inches (46%) and Weight 21.8 lbs (75%).
At Doctor's Appt.
Worn out from shots.
12 months old today!
Happy Birthday Sweet Pea, Baby Girl, Bookie. We Love you!!!!