Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Big Boy?

So today I had by 28/29 week check up. This Friday I will be 29 weeks. I still can't believe how quick the time is flying by...only 11 more weeks! I also had my sugar test today to check for gestational diabetes. The sugar test took an hour, but all in all was not too bad. In the next few days I will find out the results. Hopefully everything comes back "normal" because I really do not want to have to go back to the doctor for a three hour sugar test!

The baby's heart rate was in the upper 130's / low 140's. We think that he was sleeping, but everything sounded Great! My blood pressure was low and looking good thus far too. Now comes the measurements. So each visit the doctor measures your belly to monitor the baby and your overall growth. Well during my past visits, I have measured about one centimeter under "normal", with normal being about equivalent to how many weeks along you are. So at 29 weeks, my "normal" measurement would be 29 centimeters. Well, now I measure one centimeter above "normal" instead of one centimeter under "normal". So as the doctor put it, the baby really had a growth spurt over the last few weeks. Not funny! I mean, the most important thing is that he is growing and developing into a healthy baby, but if I can put in request, I would rather not have a 9 + pound baby, haha. However, according to the the doctor, babies grow in varying cycles, so in two weeks when I go to my next visit I may not have grown any, bringing my measurements back to one centimeter under "normal". I guess we will have to wait and see what happens in the next two weeks. Overall, my weight gain has been under the doctor's predictions, but still okay, so maybe he is just a long baby??!!! Dan is tall and I guess as a guy the little one would rather take after his father's height (6'1") when he is older than his mother's (being that I am only 5'1" maybe 5'2" on a good day), right??!! We will see.

So what's next??!! I am now going to the doctor every two weeks for the next three visits (June 9th, June 23rd, and July 7th). Then we are down to once a week thereafter. Now being at 29 weeks, I am also supposed to be counting kicks/movement everyday during a one hour period. Within the one hour, you are supposed to be able to count 10 movements. A decrease in movement can single the doctor's that something is wrong. I have to say that I really love doing this! It is amazing to just sit and feel the baby move!! Especially now because what once was a little flicker of a kick is now a whole body shift or roll. As the baby has gotten bigger he doesn't have as much room to move around in there anymore! The changes in the baby's movement as well as feeling him move is one of the most amazing experiences of my life thus far! :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

28 weeks

I am a little behind on blogging as we have been super busy. Last weekend Dan replaced the roof on our house with the help of a few great friends!! What a project that was....and according to him, we are never replacing another roof unless we can afford to pay someone to do it. I can't say that I blame him!! That Sunday was also Mother's Day. We had a low key evening and just got Chinese food, yum!! Dan also surprised me with the diaper bag that I really wanted for the baby. I was thrilled..I love it!

This past weekend we went to my cousin's wedding in West Virginia. We had a wonderful time at their wedding and seeing/visiting with all of our family! Plus we got to see my parent's for the first time since Christmas. We miss them soo much!!

I am also officially 28 weeks along...only 12 more weeks to go! However, I have a feeling that these next 12 weeks could feel a little longer than the first 28, as I am getting bigger and it is getting warmer out. But we will see what the next few weeks brings. I go back to the doctor again next week for my sugar testing. Then after that I start going every two weeks as we are now in the third trimester!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Just Because

Things are going very well as we approach the 28 week mark this Friday!! I am feeling great and starting to get used to slowing down a bit and getting tired and out of breath quicker. However, I do need to stop trying to get so much done in one day. I try to push myself a lot and end up paying for it later. But all in all things are progressing wonderfully and I am really enjoying this stage of my pregnancy.

Again the love and support of our families continues to bless us. My mom made a hat for the little guy and sent it to us recently, and my cousin Lori sent us several outfits!! A few of our favorites were the pajamas that have elastic on the end. I have been told that these will make diaper changes in the middle of the night much easier. I also loved the Speedster onesie and pant set...and of course Dan loved the guitar onesie!

My two favorite boys. I can't wait to add a third to this picture!! I am sure that the little one will be here before we know it. In the mean time I am cherishing every day that I am pregnant and that he is able to grow and develop!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

26 Weeks / Doctor Appt Update

So as of this past Friday (April 30th), we have officially made it to 26 weeks! I know that I keep saying this, but I really can't believe how quick the weeks are flying by!!! We can't wait to meet our little guy and just hold him for the first time! I feel good with what we have gotten done thus far, but both Dan and I agree that we have a lot more that we would like to get accomplished before the baby arrives. We will see if that happens. Three and a half months...so exciting!

I also had another doctor's appointment today. According to the doctor, everything looks great thus far....I was also reminded multiple times to make sure that I am drinking tons of water, especially now that it is getting warmer outside! Anyway, the baby's heart beat was in the 140's today, my blood pressure was good, and my baby bump (not so much a bump anymore, haha) measurements were on target as well. I am still measuring a centimeter smaller than "normal" at this stage, but the doctor said that as long as my growth is consistent from week to week, it is not anything to be concerned about...so that's good!! My weight gain has also been pretty even from appointment to appointment lately. However, during the first few months I gained weight quicker than I have been lately as my weight gain and growth is getting a litte more consistent from week to week. However, my quickly growing stomach could have fooled you on that one. What a difference two weeks can make??!!