Tuesday, May 4, 2010

26 Weeks / Doctor Appt Update

So as of this past Friday (April 30th), we have officially made it to 26 weeks! I know that I keep saying this, but I really can't believe how quick the weeks are flying by!!! We can't wait to meet our little guy and just hold him for the first time! I feel good with what we have gotten done thus far, but both Dan and I agree that we have a lot more that we would like to get accomplished before the baby arrives. We will see if that happens. Three and a half months...so exciting!

I also had another doctor's appointment today. According to the doctor, everything looks great thus far....I was also reminded multiple times to make sure that I am drinking tons of water, especially now that it is getting warmer outside! Anyway, the baby's heart beat was in the 140's today, my blood pressure was good, and my baby bump (not so much a bump anymore, haha) measurements were on target as well. I am still measuring a centimeter smaller than "normal" at this stage, but the doctor said that as long as my growth is consistent from week to week, it is not anything to be concerned about...so that's good!! My weight gain has also been pretty even from appointment to appointment lately. However, during the first few months I gained weight quicker than I have been lately as my weight gain and growth is getting a litte more consistent from week to week. However, my quickly growing stomach could have fooled you on that one. What a difference two weeks can make??!!

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