Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Birth Day!!

Brayden Dillon Cooper was born August 16, 2010 at 7:47 pm and weighed 7lbs 1.9 ounces and was 21 inches long. We are overjoyed to finally meet our baby boy and begin the amazing journey of parenting!! As you can tell because my post is about two weeks late, he has been keeping us very busy!! These first two weeks have been amazing and definitely a roller coaster ride, but we are enjoying every moment we spend together!!!

Okay, for labor. I started having contractions Sunday night (the 15th) around 7ish. I was not too sure at that point if they were going to stick around or if they were just Braxton hicks contractions, so Dan and I went about our normal business...had dinner, took Bailey for a walk, etc. The contractions were not too bad at that point and around 10 pm when they were still coming consistently, we started timing them...about 7 minutes apart. (On a side note, the contraction app on the iPhone is awesome). So needless to say, I was excited and very anxious and never went to bed that night. So, as the contraction got closer and more intense (4 mins apart), we called the doctor on call (it was now about 3am Monday morning now) and they said to come in. However, when we got to the hospital, I was not dilated at all, so they sent us to walk around for 2 hours. Longest two hours of my life, having to stop every 4 or 5 minutes to breath through the contractions and increasingly intense pain. After 2 hours of walking around (now 6:30 Monday morning), I still was not dilating so they sent us home for a little while.

At home, I tried to rest, but could not even sit down with the pain from the contractions. So I kept walking around, rocking, and breathing through them. Around 10ish we headed back to the hospital because the pain was so intense I could not take it. The nurses kept telling me how low he was and saying that once I dilated he would come quickly, but that didn’t make be feel any better at the time when I was have such strong contractions. Again they sent us home around 12 noon saying I was in early labor and gave me an Ambien to take so I could rest some. Yeah right, not with these contractions. At this point I was becoming a little frustrated because the pain from my contractions was so intense, yet I was not dilating. I will admit that I did tell Dan at one point when they sent us home for the second time to just get a gun. However, I "tried" to just keep focusing on the son that we were about to meet.

We went back to the hospital for the third time around 3pm because again the contraction were so intense and I thought that I was going to delivery this baby at home. This time when the nurse called my doctor she told him that I was shaking from all the pain. However, again I was not dilating very much and was only 2 cm, but fully effaced. Being our third trip back to the hospital and because I was in so much pain, the doctor finally admitted me and gave the nurse the go ahead to get me fluids to prep for the epidural. Ahh what a relief.. but I still had another hour of painful contraction to endure. So again I will admit that I got frustrated one more time and this time with Dan. I said, "hello, help me" because he was watching TV instead of telling me when my contraction was starting to come down. He now says that he didn't know that I was even having a contraction because I was breathing and controlling my pain so well...haha yeah right. Anyway, I got my epidural about an hour later around 6:30pm and my doctor came in to check me. I was 9 cm!! I went from 2 cm to 9 cm in an hour. The doctor was shocked!! They broke my water and I started pushing a half hour later...and our beautiful bundle of joy was born in 30 minutes!!! Honestly the contractions were very intense and the most painful thing I have gone through thus far in my life, but I just kept praying "Dear God be with me" and telling myself that this is a natural process. That's what got me through and I would do it all again in a heartbeat for him!! Maybe I am crazy, but love does great things!!!

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