Saturday, January 29, 2011

New Adventures

So Saturday we met some friends (Jon and Emily) and their 14 month old (Jonah) for lunch at Brio over by Christiana Mall. We had a great time, good food, and lots of laughs! Both boys were very well behaved, so that always helps too! It was our first time taking Brayden out to lunch and he did awesome! For the most part he sat in his car seat at the table with us and played with the toys we brought him. He also really enjoyed just looking around and checking everything out! Then we went to walk around the mall some. You would think that a stroller ride would put Brayden to sleep considering it was nap time, but no way, not for this little boy...he would not want to miss out on a thing. I can't blame him, there are some pretty interesting people at the mall!!! He did however pass out in the car on the way home!! I had great intentions of getting pictures today, but then completely forgot!!! :(

Today we went to church for the second time since Brayden was born. I can't believe that it took us 5 months to brave church with Brayden! What were we thinking?! Dan and I could not wait to get back to church, so thankfully our first experience with Brayden last weekend was amazing! He just laid in his car seat and played with his toys or sat on our laps for the majority of the service and did not even make a peep! We honestly could not have hoped for it to go any better than it did! However, I am sure that one of these Sunday's we are bound to have a melt down though. Anyway, we went to get a quick picture as we were walking out the door for church this morning and Brayden decided to spit up all over his shirt, requiring a quick outfit change before we left...go figure, hahaha. So we had to settle for this one this afternoon when we got back...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Soon to be Best Friends

When we first came home from the hospital with Brayden, Bailey (the dog) was very protective of him and would even wake up at night and whine when Brayden cried. Well that was short-lived and only lasted two days until Bailey realized that he was losing out on some of the "extra" attention he used to get. Now trust me, the dog still gets plenty of attention, but yes he developed some jealously toward Brayden. For crying out loud, the dog used to bark and try and jump up when Dan and I talked or hugged.

Well, I am happy to say that Bailey is starting to come around. Now he still is a bit jealous and will try and lay in between Brayden and I (or Dan) when we are on the floor, but he is getting there. Each day Brayden becomes more and more aware of Bailey and loves to just still and stare at him. I wish I knew what he was thinking...("What kind of crazy looking thing is that?!"). Brayden is also starting to reach out and pet Bailey when he walks by him...well it is more of a grab / swat of his hands. I am not too sure how fond Bailey is of Brayden's new interest in him, but he will go up and lick Brayden from time to time.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

5 month pictures!

So a little late, but I am finally getting some 5 month pictures uploaded!!
Not sure about this snow thing

New favorite hobby...sitting up

5 Months Today

So done with me taking pictures!

Thankfully starting the bath water stopped him in his tracks

Friday, January 21, 2011

5 Months - Pause Button?

Is there a way to pause life?? I continue to feel so very blessed to stay home with and take care of Brayden every day. It is so exciting to see him learn and discover new things, yet at the same time I often find myself sad that he is growing and changing so quickly. Is that possible?? Am I in denial?? Several times a day I pause just to stare and admire Brayden and soak in the moment. However, I feel like that is not enough anymore. For instance, last week we started sitting Brayden up a lot and supporting him under his arms with our hands. Well now in less than a full week he can pretty much sit on his own for a good length of time and is even able to catch himself when he starts to fall. How did that happen so fast??!!! I love that he is able to sit up and play with his toys and interact with us now. It is really sooo much fun! But I also miss my little baby! I guess that's why you are suppose to embrace each and every day. Geez, a baby will sure teach you to live in the moment and not worry about the future!! And for that we thank you Brayden!

So aside from learning to sit up, which is now one of his favorite things to do, Brayden also now loves rolling around in his crib, talking to us, grabbing for things (especially Mommy's water bottle and phone and Bailey dog), and playing with his feet. He can even almost get his feet in his mouth now, haha. It is a sight to see and also makes diaper changes very interesting when all he wants to do is hold onto his feet. We have also now graduated to putting Brayden's infant tub in the guest room bathtub as he loves to splash away and make a mess! Some of which I think is purely encouraged by his father! haha.

Brayden's newest thing (which I adore) is touching and rubbing the back of his head (maybe because he is finally getting some hair in, haha). He does this even more when he is tired. It really is too cute. One of these days I will catch it on video. Brayden has also mastered rolling around, but does not really seem to care to do it too often. Sometimes if we can get him to focus on one of his favorite toys, we can then move it kinda behind him and he will roll over to see or grab it. Aside from that, we think Brayden rolls around the most when he is in his crib. We find him all over the place...often on his tummy and in the far corner of the crib.

We still have yet to consistently get Brayden on baby food. We tried rice cereal for three days and sweet potatoes once. Brayden definitely enjoyed the sweet potatoes and we look forward to trying them again. However, right now he does not seem to care one way or another about having food, so we are trying to wait another month (till he is six months) to start the baby food. I have however made several foods and frozen them. We have more sweet potatoes, avocado, carrots, and peas all ready to go when we decide to take that next step. But for now we will just continue solely nursing.

I do have some five month pictures, which I will hopefully post this coming week. I just have yet to get them uploaded on my computer. Work is getting in my way of blogging, haha. So pictures to come soon.

Monday, January 17, 2011

A letter to Brayden

So this weekend I was cleaning out and organizing Brayden's keepsake bin and came across this letter I had written him when he was first born. I had stashed it away, because at the time I was way too emotional to read it or blog about it. But as I hope to write him another letter at six months of age, I figured I was ready now, so here it goes...

Dear Brayden,

I can’t believe that we are finally home from the hospital with you in our arms forever. It is hard to believe that just a few days ago your dad and I took a day trip to Cape May, NJ the day after your due date (August 13, 2010) thinking that you may never arrive. I think it was more your dad’s way of distracting me as I was becoming very anxious for your birth and to meet you (he was too)!!

I wish that I could say that your “birth day” was the best day of my life, but I am not sure that I can do that. Labor was a very long 24 hours and you kept us waiting till the very last minute when you all of a sudden decided you were ready and made your quick entrance into this world. So your “birth day” was not the best day of my life, more a day filled with lots of inner strength, struggles, and intense pain. But when you were finally born at 7:47pm on August 16, 2010, it became the best night of my life!

I don’t remember many of my exact thoughts, emotions, or details from your actual delivery (even though it was only three days ago), because it happened so fast at the end and was such a blur. All I remember is you being placed on my chest and looking up at me with your big, gorgeous blue eyes as if saying “I am finally here Mama”. That moment melted by heart. I remember then thinking “thank you God” as you stared up at me. Partially because the intense pain of labor and delivery was over, but also because I knew from that moment on, no matter what else life handed me, I had been truly blessed and needed nothing more. You are the most amazing gift that I have ever been given and I never want to forget the way it felt to see you for the first time.

They say that labor and delivery has a lot to do with a baby’s personality. Is that so?? Well, based on your labor and delivery Brayden, I think that you will be a strong-willed, maybe stubborn, but brave, delightful and happy little boy. One of our first nurses at the hospital kept telling me how alert you were. I remember just looking at her and thinking, “oh crap, what does that mean?” She said that you would definitely keep us on our toes, but be a lot of fun in return. That can’t be too bad, now can it?!

Our first night in the hospital we woke to you coughing/gagging. All I remember is the panic that overcame us and the terrified look on your father’s face as he ran to get a nurse. That’s when I knew that our lives would never be the same without you. Less than 24 hours old and you had already completely changed our lives and definition of love.

Brayden, now as I sit here tonight watching you sleep, I am a little anxious for our first night at home! I never imagined that I could be filled with so many emotions at one time. Today, your dad played some of our wedding music on your IPOD as I fed you, and I broke down in tears. Then later in the day I was reading you a book and again broke down in tears. All very happy tears though. There is no way to describe the overwhelming and amazing feelings that being a parent has already brought us just within these first few days. We love you more than life itself.

Before you were even born, your father and I had started praying that God’s will would be done in your life and that your health and labor and delivery were in his hands. At times, we questioned what the purpose of 23 hours of intense contraction and no dilation was, but in the last hour when you came into this world and took your first breath/cry, it did not seem to matter anymore.

I know that your presence in our life will bring us everlasting love and joy. I am sure that there will also be tough times as well, but just like your labor and delivery, the tough times will make the good times an even greater blessing that is deeply appreciated. So now your father and I pray for your faith, health, happiness, and that we can be the very best parents that you deserve.

Brayden, as I have already said, the power of our love for you is overwhelming! I feel the need to keep telling you this, because it is impossible to express the love that we have for you. You, our son, have completely changed our lives for the best and have taught us what it is to love without needing anything in return. You have not spoken to us, laughed at us, smiled for us, or called us mama or dada, yet we love you more than we even thought possible. Before you were born, we loved you deeply, but questioned if we could love you as much or as deeply as a parent should. Then you were born and our worries subsided. You are already an amazing blessing in our life. We look forward to watching you grow and develop and can’t wait to see the toddler, child, and young adult that you become.

“I love you forever, I like you for always, As long as I am living my baby you will be!”

We love you more than words!

Mommy and Daddy

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Big Boy

So as a spur of the moment decision one night and Brayden is now in his crib!! Previously he had been sleeping on a foam wedge (called the Nap Nanny) in his crib. It was not the ideal situation, but it helped with his acid reflux and kept him nice and cozy making for a more rested baby and parents! However, as Brayden is getting bigger and starting to roll over and try to sit up, Dan and I thought that it was time to get him flat in the crib. The first few nights were tough as Brayden woke up a good amount, but each day and night has gotten a little better. Plus we eliminated the middle of the night rocking, so we are kinda working on a lot of sleep aspects at one time! Brayden will now wake up a couple of time during the night, but we can usually roll him on his side, give him his paci and diaper cloth (he loves to hold onto it while he sleeps), pat his back a few times and he will go back to sleep. Next up is being able to lay him down to sleep less and less asleep each time. Anyway here is a picture of how we found him in his crib the first morning without the nap nanny. He looks a little shocked!!

A New Year

After a wonderful two week hiatus from work, we jumped back into the swing of things full force this week. I started back to work on Monday, which means waking at 4am to put my hours in before Dan gets ready for work at 8am. Since Brayden is still not the most consistent napper, it is the only guaranteed work time that I have each day! Not the ideal situation, but it is working for us for now. I must say that Monday was a little depressing as I started back to it is just Brayden and I at home during the day now. I am definitely enjoying the one on one / quite time with the little one, but believe it or not, I also miss the commotion of Christmas and a full house.

Since my parents still live in Illinois (hopefully not for too much longer), they made the drive east to stay with Dan, Brayden, and I for 10 days over Christmas. It was so nice having them here and we loved spending the holidays and Brayden's first Christmas with them! Christmas Eve we kept to our 18-year tradition and went to the DiNuzzo's (my parents old neighbor's) house for dinner and the evening. Everyone loved seeing and meeting Brayden and he handled the late night better than Dan and I could ever have expected! Christmas Day was spent hanging out at our house, relaxing and enjoying the time as a family. My brother came over in the morning for breakfast and to open gifts with my parents, Dan, Brayden and I. Then in the afternoon, Dan's parents and brother came up to visit and open gifts with us. We had a wonderful first Christmas with Brayden and have lots of pictures and videos to look back on.

New Year's Eve was low key this year as well. My parents had left the day before and I was feeling a little down. So for New Years we had friends of ours up for dinner and drinks. Nothing fancy, just some appetizers, pizza, veggies and dip, and homemade cupcakes that they brought. Yummy!! Brayden again did better than we could have expected that evening and even slept a little later for us on New Years Day as Dan and I were both struggling. We are not used to staying up that late anymore.

So another year has now come and gone. As we have done in the years past, Dan and I sat down New Years day to reflect on the past year and make some goals and plans for the New Year. This year we have sooo many blessing to be thankful for, including our healthy baby boy who has completely changed our lives for the better!! We are also very grateful that I have had the opportunity to work from home while raising Brayden. It has been challenging to say the least, but we would not have it any other way. We hope that 2011 continues to bless our family and we are very optimistic about what this year will bring. We look forward to watching Brayden grow this year and to accomplishing the goals that we have set, which hopefully I will be able to reveal as they come true.

Merry Christmas

Happy New Year