Friday, January 21, 2011

5 Months - Pause Button?

Is there a way to pause life?? I continue to feel so very blessed to stay home with and take care of Brayden every day. It is so exciting to see him learn and discover new things, yet at the same time I often find myself sad that he is growing and changing so quickly. Is that possible?? Am I in denial?? Several times a day I pause just to stare and admire Brayden and soak in the moment. However, I feel like that is not enough anymore. For instance, last week we started sitting Brayden up a lot and supporting him under his arms with our hands. Well now in less than a full week he can pretty much sit on his own for a good length of time and is even able to catch himself when he starts to fall. How did that happen so fast??!!! I love that he is able to sit up and play with his toys and interact with us now. It is really sooo much fun! But I also miss my little baby! I guess that's why you are suppose to embrace each and every day. Geez, a baby will sure teach you to live in the moment and not worry about the future!! And for that we thank you Brayden!

So aside from learning to sit up, which is now one of his favorite things to do, Brayden also now loves rolling around in his crib, talking to us, grabbing for things (especially Mommy's water bottle and phone and Bailey dog), and playing with his feet. He can even almost get his feet in his mouth now, haha. It is a sight to see and also makes diaper changes very interesting when all he wants to do is hold onto his feet. We have also now graduated to putting Brayden's infant tub in the guest room bathtub as he loves to splash away and make a mess! Some of which I think is purely encouraged by his father! haha.

Brayden's newest thing (which I adore) is touching and rubbing the back of his head (maybe because he is finally getting some hair in, haha). He does this even more when he is tired. It really is too cute. One of these days I will catch it on video. Brayden has also mastered rolling around, but does not really seem to care to do it too often. Sometimes if we can get him to focus on one of his favorite toys, we can then move it kinda behind him and he will roll over to see or grab it. Aside from that, we think Brayden rolls around the most when he is in his crib. We find him all over the place...often on his tummy and in the far corner of the crib.

We still have yet to consistently get Brayden on baby food. We tried rice cereal for three days and sweet potatoes once. Brayden definitely enjoyed the sweet potatoes and we look forward to trying them again. However, right now he does not seem to care one way or another about having food, so we are trying to wait another month (till he is six months) to start the baby food. I have however made several foods and frozen them. We have more sweet potatoes, avocado, carrots, and peas all ready to go when we decide to take that next step. But for now we will just continue solely nursing.

I do have some five month pictures, which I will hopefully post this coming week. I just have yet to get them uploaded on my computer. Work is getting in my way of blogging, haha. So pictures to come soon.

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