Friday, August 26, 2011

Swing Set

So last weekend we purchased a swing set for Brayden! One of my co-workers is moving and was looking to sell their swing set. After much contemplating...Dan and I decided that it was too good of a deal to turn down and I am already soooo happy that we didn't. We have spent a lot of time this past week playing on the new swing set and Brayden absolutely loves it! 

However, the transporting process was not so simple. My hardworking husband spent two days labeling all the wood pieces, drawing a sketch, and taking the swing set apart. Then he went and picked up all the pieces last Saturday in his truck and again spent long hours reassembling the swing set! Like the amazing father that he is, he had the swing set back together within 24 hours. He couldn't wait for Brayden to play on it! As we speak now, Dan is completing some finishing touches on the swing set...anchoring and staining! We are so happy with the swing set and plan to us it as much as possible before winter rolls in. 

Here are a few pictures that I snapped during the process:

 If you look closely, you can see all the pieces  

Dark out, but working hard to get the base set up 

Early the next morning...making progress 

My boys enjoying the swing set

Almost done!

This is a car that came with the swing set and Brayden loves!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

12 Months

Brayden is officially 1 year old!! So the past few months I have been sadly counting down the months, weeks, days until Brayden turned one! Yes, it does make me a bit sad that Brayden's first year has flown by so quick, but it also makes me so very proud of all that he has accomplished in a short amount of time! 

Some Updates:

    Clothing Size: 18 months

    Diapers: Size 4 (daytime) and Size 5 Overnights

Doctor Stats:

    Height: 30.5 inches (75th percentile)
    Weight: 24lbs (70th percentile)
    Head: 90th percentile

Updates from the past month:

-So the biggest news for this month is that Brayden started walking! Brayden's first steps were the week before his first birthday! Each day he is walking more and more. But for the time being, Brayden still prefers to crawl!

-Brayden's vocabulary has also expanded this words include yes, not, and what sounds like cheese. He also continues to roll his tongue all the time, which adds a little Spanish accent. Brayden has said mama a few times, but I would not say it is a consistent one yet.

-Brayden still loves to clap, do "so big", and give Bailey his ball. Aside from walking, my favorite thing that Brayden learned this month is giving kisses! Ahh I live for them!!

-Brayden is also learning/trying to communicate with us more and more each day. He now shakes his head "no" when he does not want something or to do something...not sure where he learned that one. He is also reaching, pointing, and making noises all the time in an attempt to communicate. So for now we try to guess what he wants and repeat it, which sometimes is easier than others.

-However, Brayden understands way more than we even realize sometimes. When asked, Brayden knows where Bailey is, where his tunnel is, where his toy monkey is, where his remote is, where his puzzle is, where his rocking chair is, where his rocking horse is, where his drums are, where his books are, where his puffs are, where his goldfish are, where his head is, where Daddy's computer mouse is, where mommy and daddy's keys are, where his toy computer is, where his train is, where his toy fish is, where his lotion is, where his sunscreen is, where his desitine is, where his paci is, where his blankie is, how to open doors, how to turn lights off and on when asked, and the list goes on.

-It also continues to amaze me when we can ask Brayden to get a certain book (Brown Bear, Spot, Choo Choo, Kisses for Daddy, Silly Sock, etc..) and he can pick it out of a pile of books.

-Brayden still continues to be a good eater and is doing great with people food! He will pretty much eat any fruit. For vegetables, Brayden loves carrots, peas, corn, and broccoli. Green beans still do not go over big. We are planning to try some new vegetables this week, including zucchini and asparagus. Brayden's all time favorite foods right now are probably yogurt, cheese, cherry puffs, and goldfish...although he doesn't get them too often.

Sleep habits:

-Wake time is around 7 or 7:30am
-Brayden now takes one nap a day, typically around 11 or 11:30am and usually sleeps for 2+ hours.
-Bedtime is 7:30pm

-Brayden still sleeps on his side or tummy 99.9 percent of the time.

12 Month Pictures:

A little background on this photo shoot....wetried to give Brayden an orange to play with for his 12 month pictures, since the apple worked so well for his 11 month pictures (he actually sat still for five minutes and I loved how they turned out)...but it back fired on us and Brayden would not sit still for more than a second. So, the computer mouse was the only thing that kept Brayden still for a few seconds while we quickly snapped some pictures. I am not sure what is so fascinating about the computer mouse, but Brayden loves it! Maybe because he knows he is not allowed to play with it on a day-to-day basis.

Really Mom? I am busy...

 He did humor me at one point and do "so big"

Look how big he is getting... 

 Daddy came downstairs to save the day and get a few smiles

Laughing at Daddy, but still not looking up from playing with the computer mouse 

And just because these diapers are too stinking cute!


Friday, August 19, 2011

Letter to Brayden

Sorry if you find this post a little boring, but I want to have these birthday letters to Brayden recorded in our blog book that I make at the end of the year. So here it goes...


I can’t believe that you turned one today! Although parts of the day are a blur, I can still recall the details of your birth as if it was yesterday. The first time I heard you cry, the first time I held you, the first time I got to kiss your precious head.  Now one year later, you will lean in to give me kisses that melt my heart every single time!

Brayden although I find myself a bit sad that a year has already passed and you are one, I look forward to the future as well and can’t wait to see what the next six months, year, two years, five years, etc. will bring. If they are anything like this first year with you in our lives, they will be filled with utter joy, happiness, lots of learning, lots of growing, and even more love!

I clearly remember a nurse in the hospital telling us that you were a very alert newborn. Those words terrified me. When I asked her what that meant, her only reply was you will have a lot of fun. At first I was haunted by her words, but in a short matter of time I learned that she was absolutely right! Although we have had trying moments, as every new parent does, you have been a lot of fun this past year. You have a very active personality, which keeps us on our toes, but I love watching you explore and try to figure out everything! Your smile brightens my morning and your cooing bedtime noises give me peace to hold onto through the night. Not only did you capture our hearts from the beginning, but you have a way of capturing the hearts of “strangers” when we are out and about and an even better way of capturing the hearts of all your family and friends.

In one very short year you have changed from a cuddly tiny baby, to a walking toddler that only wants to cuddle when he is exhausted or not feeling well. From an infant that can barely cry, to a toddler that likes to test his vocal chords when he is not being heard. From an infant that only drinks a few ounces of milk at a time, to a toddler that eats three meals and two snacks every day. From an infant that sleeps all day, to a toddler that only naps once a day. From an infant that wakes up every two hours at night, to a toddler that sleeps through the night. From an infant that slept in his parent’s room, to a toddler that loves his crib. From an infant that is rocked to sleep, to a toddler that coo’s himself to sleep. From an infant that wears newborn clothing and diapers, to a toddler that wears 18 month clothing and size 4 diapers. From an infant that can only communicate through crying, to a toddler that is learning to show us what he wants and understands far more than we even give him credit for sometimes. From an infant that we loved the instant we laid eyes on him, to a toddler who we love even more than we ever thought possible!!

Happy 1st Birthday Brayden!!
Mommy Loves you Very Much!!!

This was an email my Dad sent to Dan and I on Brayden's birthday...

Hard to believe, but I guess it's official...your baby is a 1-year old.  Regardless, you still get to reference his age in months for one more year . 

Brayden has brought so much joy into this past year and I know we all look so forward to continuing to watch him grow, learn, and spread his love and happiness in the year ahead !!!!! 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRAYDEN...your FAMILY loves you soooooooooo very much.

Much love and kisses xoxoxo
Grandpa Rudden


Daniel (Daddy) wrote his letter at work on Brayden's birthday and forgot to email it to himself. So on Monday when he emails his letter, we will add it to a new post. Sorry in advanced, but you are going to have to endure one more post of birthday letters to Brayden before we move on to other "fun" stuff...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Brayden's 1st Birthday Party

This weekend we had Brayden's 1st birthday party!! The weather station had been predicting a perfect weekend all week, but what do you know, the rain that we hadn't gotten in months all came pouring down on Saturday. Haha. We were lucky enough to get a few breaks in the storms for the kids to go outside and play for a little bit though which was nice. Aside from the rain, it was a perfect day and everyone seemed to have a great time as well. Mr. Brayden sure has a lot of family and friends that love him....that is evident!! 

I had planned to get pictures of all the decorations and everything set up before people arrived, but of course that didn't happen. But I did get a few. We did a color theme...Blue, Orange and Green and everything turned out prefect!

If you look closely, you can see some of the food, plate/napkin colors, and food cards in this one...haha. 

 Birthday banner and monthly pictures

Now here are a bunch of pictures of the Birthday Boy and the party...

Love him 

Playing with Cooper and Jonah 

Brayden, Cooper, and the Dad's 

Birthday Boy and Mama 

Not sure about this cupcake... 

Okay, maybe I like it...

Yes, delicious! 

Birthday Boy and Nana 

Opening gifts with Daddy and MomMom 

Opening gifts with Aunt Julie 

Trying to escape to play in the rain

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Brayden starting walking today!! The past week he would take one step (if you can call it that) and then sit down and crawl. But today was the real deal!! Just like the first time Brayden crawled, Dan and I were both there and able to get it on video... it was PRICELESS! 

Here is what happened...Dan had just gotten home from his last day at his current job (tomorrow he starts back at Bank of America and couldn't be happier) and we were both downstairs in the family room playing with Brayden and catching up. Dan was practicing standing Brayden up and encouraging him to walk as he has endlessly tried for the past month or so with no success! Well today it worked, and Brayden took a good five or six steps toward me before plopping down!! The funny thing is that last night at dinner Dan was just saying how he thought Brayden was never going to walk. He preceded to say that Brayden doesn't even seem to care to try and walk since crawling gets him where he wants to go. So I am thinking Brayden slept on this and wanted to prove Daddy wrong, haha! Of course we had to repeat this process several times throughout the night because we were all very excited! This proud Momma also teared up a baby is really growing up now!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Almost Time...

Well, Brayden's first birthday is almost here. I know I say this all the time, but I really just can't believe how much he has grown, changed, and learned in just one short year!! Dan and I have also changed a lot over the past year as well. We have learned a new meaning of unconditional love, we have developed a new appreciation and respect for one another, we have learned that everything is a phase, and we have learned what truly matters in life. Oh, and how have we already been parents for a year?? 

So for the past few months I have been excitedly gathering first birthday ideas for Brayden, then a few weeks ago the shopping started. However, now that we are in full preparation mode I am discovering that I am also a bit sad that Brayden is turning one. My mom was over today helping me with a project for Brayden's birthday party. Truth be told, she took my basic idea and helped me make it happen...we all know that she is the creative one. Anyway, we both got to looking at pictures of Brayden when he was first born and couldn't help but think..where has my little baby gone? He has developed into an active, handsome, smart, observant, funny, and very curious little boy. I am so in love with the stage that Brayden is at now, but I also miss my itty bitty snuggly little baby! A good friend told me the other day....You may be a little sad that Brayden is turning one soon, but just remember that also means that he is that much closer to saying "I love you Momma". Isn't that the truth, just thinking about that day melts my heart.

Well we have a busy week of birthday planning, decorating, shopping, and making food planned! I can't wait to update soon with Brayden's 12 month post and birthday party details. Don't worry, I will include lots of pictures too!! Just for fun, here are a few pictures from the past week...and probably some of the last pictures of our baby before he turns one!

 Caught in the act!

Bath time at Nana's 

Bright sunny morning at church! 

Birthday tunnel from Nana! 

 Wrestling with Daddy

Puzzles with Uncle Bry

Fun in the sand 

Just working