Saturday, August 20, 2011

12 Months

Brayden is officially 1 year old!! So the past few months I have been sadly counting down the months, weeks, days until Brayden turned one! Yes, it does make me a bit sad that Brayden's first year has flown by so quick, but it also makes me so very proud of all that he has accomplished in a short amount of time! 

Some Updates:

    Clothing Size: 18 months

    Diapers: Size 4 (daytime) and Size 5 Overnights

Doctor Stats:

    Height: 30.5 inches (75th percentile)
    Weight: 24lbs (70th percentile)
    Head: 90th percentile

Updates from the past month:

-So the biggest news for this month is that Brayden started walking! Brayden's first steps were the week before his first birthday! Each day he is walking more and more. But for the time being, Brayden still prefers to crawl!

-Brayden's vocabulary has also expanded this words include yes, not, and what sounds like cheese. He also continues to roll his tongue all the time, which adds a little Spanish accent. Brayden has said mama a few times, but I would not say it is a consistent one yet.

-Brayden still loves to clap, do "so big", and give Bailey his ball. Aside from walking, my favorite thing that Brayden learned this month is giving kisses! Ahh I live for them!!

-Brayden is also learning/trying to communicate with us more and more each day. He now shakes his head "no" when he does not want something or to do something...not sure where he learned that one. He is also reaching, pointing, and making noises all the time in an attempt to communicate. So for now we try to guess what he wants and repeat it, which sometimes is easier than others.

-However, Brayden understands way more than we even realize sometimes. When asked, Brayden knows where Bailey is, where his tunnel is, where his toy monkey is, where his remote is, where his puzzle is, where his rocking chair is, where his rocking horse is, where his drums are, where his books are, where his puffs are, where his goldfish are, where his head is, where Daddy's computer mouse is, where mommy and daddy's keys are, where his toy computer is, where his train is, where his toy fish is, where his lotion is, where his sunscreen is, where his desitine is, where his paci is, where his blankie is, how to open doors, how to turn lights off and on when asked, and the list goes on.

-It also continues to amaze me when we can ask Brayden to get a certain book (Brown Bear, Spot, Choo Choo, Kisses for Daddy, Silly Sock, etc..) and he can pick it out of a pile of books.

-Brayden still continues to be a good eater and is doing great with people food! He will pretty much eat any fruit. For vegetables, Brayden loves carrots, peas, corn, and broccoli. Green beans still do not go over big. We are planning to try some new vegetables this week, including zucchini and asparagus. Brayden's all time favorite foods right now are probably yogurt, cheese, cherry puffs, and goldfish...although he doesn't get them too often.

Sleep habits:

-Wake time is around 7 or 7:30am
-Brayden now takes one nap a day, typically around 11 or 11:30am and usually sleeps for 2+ hours.
-Bedtime is 7:30pm

-Brayden still sleeps on his side or tummy 99.9 percent of the time.

12 Month Pictures:

A little background on this photo shoot....wetried to give Brayden an orange to play with for his 12 month pictures, since the apple worked so well for his 11 month pictures (he actually sat still for five minutes and I loved how they turned out)...but it back fired on us and Brayden would not sit still for more than a second. So, the computer mouse was the only thing that kept Brayden still for a few seconds while we quickly snapped some pictures. I am not sure what is so fascinating about the computer mouse, but Brayden loves it! Maybe because he knows he is not allowed to play with it on a day-to-day basis.

Really Mom? I am busy...

 He did humor me at one point and do "so big"

Look how big he is getting... 

 Daddy came downstairs to save the day and get a few smiles

Laughing at Daddy, but still not looking up from playing with the computer mouse 

And just because these diapers are too stinking cute!


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