Brooklyn Louise, I can not believe that you are three months old already! You are settling into a nice little schedule on most days. Typically you wake up around 6:30am and then take two long morning naps, which gives Brayden and I lots of special time together. Then in the afternoons, you take two cat naps and are then down for the night by 7 or 7:30pm. You do wake up around 10pm and 1am to feed, but these feedings take place in your room and in the dark. They strictly include a diaper change, eating, goodnight kisses, and the going right back to sleep!
You are still a very portable baby and sleep well when we have to run out to do errands or go for a walk or to the park for Brayden to play. Typically you sleep the whole time that we are out and about. However, I am sure one day this will come to an end, but for now it makes our lives easier.
You are also such a happy and smiley baby! At this age, you are typically awake for about 50 minutes to 1 hour at a time during the day (including feeding time), which does not seem very long to me, but it works. During your wake time, you love to give lots of smiles, watch your brother, sit up (with our help or in the bumbo), and hang out in your bouncy chair or on the boppy pillow. Your legs are also getting stronger and you really enjoy trying to stand up with our smile every time! Brooklyn, you rolled over for the first time at about 2.5 months and you are also starting to coo and make more noises every day. You actually let out a cute little squeal this morning and then looked all around with this "who was that" look on your was priceless.
We Love You Brooklyn Louise!
"Sweet Pea"