Saturday, July 13, 2013

Brooklyn Louise - 5 Months

Brooklyn has just recently learned a few new things during the past week or so. She is now reaching out and grabbing toys to play with, she is sitting up much better on her own, and she is almost rolling from her back to her belly. She also recently learned how to blow raspberries, which I find hysterical to watch! Brooklyn is such a smiley girl, but we are still waiting for her first laughs. I have gotten a few giggles, but nothing consistent. Up until now, Brooklyn has slept some in her crib and some in her rock and play (mainly for naps). However, we have since packed up the rock and play and Brooklyn is solely sleeping in her crib now. Big girl! She especially loves her crib now that she can roll on her side to sleep! Brooklyn still loves her sleep...right now she typically she goes to bed around 7pm, feeds around 10:30 or 11pm, and then is up for the morning around 6:30am. Sometimes she wakes once or twice for her paci, but goes right back to bed, so it isn't too bad. We recently dropped the evening catnap, but Brooklyn still takes a long morning nap (about 2.5 to 3 hours) and then two shorter afternoon naps (about 1.5 hours each). 

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